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Group of chemical elements - Americium. Was synthesized in 1944-45 by Glenn T. James, and Leon O. Morgan, at the Metallurgical Laboratory of the University of Chicago by irradiation of Plutonium with neutrons. Discovery it became clear that the heavy transuranium elements. Contains six 5f electrons, and it is similar to europium which contains six 4f electrons. That was the reason to name the element number 95 americium.
Element Hafnium, Hf, Transition Metal. In 1911 Urbain noticed several new lines in spectrum of the fractions of yttria mother solution and, thinking he had found a new element similar to the rare earths, called it celtium.
Element Lanthanum, La, Lanthanide. Lanthanum is a tin-white metal of density 6. It is malleable, but not ductile. Measurements made with material of doubtful purity indicate that lanthanum is feebly paramagnetic, but this is questionable. 923 and its heat of formation 97. it resembles the corresponding cerium compound.
Громадська ініціатива АРМІЯ SOS координує зусилля народу з допомоги військовим України. Допомагаймо Армії України разом! .
O nedlouho jsou peníze Vaše. Je výbornou možnost, jak velice rychle a hlavně snadno získat několik tisíc korun. Půjčka získává na oblibě především proto, že její vyřízení není spojeno s dlouhou a složitou administrativou, ale vše je možné vyřídit prostřednictvím mobilního telefonu popřípadě internetu. Peníze máte na účtu ještě tentýž den, nebo vám přijdou poštou.
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