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Block elements, corresponding to the filling of the 4 f. Electron shell in lanthanoides and 5 f.
Element Tantalum, Ta, Transition Metal. The discovery of transition metal tantalum. Symbolizing oxide is insoluble in acid, and was unable, just as the mythological Tantalos. Ekeberg called the ores in which tantalum. Was discovered tantalite and yttrotantalite. Perhaps Ekeberg isolated impure tantalum. Deep layers and upper mantle are poor by tantalum.
Element Tungsten, W, Transition Metal. Was produced by de Elhuyar brothers, students of Bergman in 1783. They named the new metal wolfram. After the mineral wolframite in which tungsten. Miners of 1416 centuries noticed that roasting of the ore tales the tin away, transferring it into slag.
Element Hafnium, Hf, Transition Metal. In 1911 Urbain noticed several new lines in spectrum of the fractions of yttria mother solution and, thinking he had found a new element similar to the rare earths, called it celtium.
In honor the American chemist G. Seaborg was confirmed by IUPAC for the element 106.
Monday, May 12, 2014.
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